Reconnect, Reset & Balance Into Nature Water Experiences

Moselle™ Nature Immersions are designed to assist in the deepening & development of yourself by restoring, creating & sustaining your connection to the natural world which helps forge a healthy & balanced life. Here we focus around the the specific element of water and and immerse ourselves through guided sensory and mindful exercises & experiences.


The Immersion

We provide simple & easeful ways to introduce & reconnect you with the water element through nature. In a steady and meditative pace, the intention is to focus on the present moment by awakening your senses, observing your surroundings and touching in on the energy of water. Through this process you are able create a more personal natural flow of direction conducive for you which can be applied to your daily life. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do. It’s about trusting your steps and simply being in shared awareness & in wisdom with all living things. This offering is led by Janice, a Certified Mindful Outdoor Leader and Nature Therapy Guide.

The Benefits

Reduces Stress & Anxiety,
Improves Mood & Sleep
Boosts Immune System,
Reduces Blood Pressure
Frees Up Creativity,
Balances Inner Elements
Expands Awareness,
Promotes Presence

“Water is the driving force of all nature.”

-Leonardo Da Vinci


Nature Water Immersions

2 hr Nature Immersion
$40 per immersion | $105 package for 3 immersions

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere & elements of nature with the focus on water. Here, we turn off our phones and leave our current reality at the threshold, entering onto the path of inner awareness & deep contemplation all while engaging fully with presence. It can be as simple as a gentle walk through a park, a moderate hike in the woods, a weekend camping trip or in a cozy retreat setting. These Nature Immersions may also include light stretches, gentle yoga and/or qigong movements & postures.


Remote Nature Experiences

1.5 hr Remote Nature Experience

Sometimes we don’t have the time or aren’t in the right place to immerse ourselves in nature. Fortunately, you can access it as simply as sitting in the back of your yard or walking through the local park. Here, we actually use technology to our benefit. With a phone or laptop and earbuds, we will take you through a guided sensory and mindful experience. Reconnecting and restoring your nature with nature.

We will be offering live and pre-recorded audios for remote nature immersions.


Prices dependent on desired location & service requested.

A nature water immersion can be a added and modified to any in-person wellness & spiritual retreat (personal or group). Interests in participating, hosting or adding this experience to your gathering is welcome.


“Gongfu Tea” means making tea with skill. A time honored tradition and practice that requires a certain level of effort, dedication, passion and humility by the person who is pouring the tea. After many years of practice, the tea master cultivates a deep connection to the tea leaves & tea ware. It is from this connection that the greatest gifts of the ritual and ceremony can be exchanged between the person pouring and those receiving.