The Way of Water is based on the balancing of nature’s elements to facilitate health and wellbeing. 
Across the globe in many different healing traditions, wellness can be found by harmonizing our inherent elements.
Water represents softness & relaxation in the body with more clarity and peace of mind. Through the exploration of and engagement with the Way of Water, a path to equilibrium is slowly carved and a more fulfilled life naturally emerges.

Moselle™ exists to bring the healing wisdom of the Way of Water to YOU.


We are here to support you on a journey that brings more presence, relaxation, and ease into your life.  Through our curated Way Of Water offerings, you’re joining the conversation and engaging the experience of the balancing energy of water.






Cultivating our awareness through simple daily contemplation increases our presence and ability to see life with greater depth and breadth.  We can move out of reaction mode and into conscious decision-making with greater discernment.


Feeling a sense of inner calm and relaxation allows life to flow with a sense of connection and purpose. The more relaxed we are in body and mind, the more clear and present we become, and the more adept we are at living life to its fullest.


When we are more calm and relaxed there is more ease in our lives.  We have more capacity to handle stress and to meet the challenges of the day cool and collected.  We experience more flow with and less resistance to what life brings.


In life, striking a balance is key to our health, our productivity, and our sense of wellbeing. We live in a time where life’s excess fire needs to be tempered by water to bring us back into balance as individuals, as communities and as an interconnected planetary body of humanity.


When the body is supported to cool its excess fire, it switches from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system.  It is in the latter state that your body is designed to regenerate and heal.  This leads to better sleep, more energy, and improved health and wellness. 


One way or another, we are all seeking fulfillment in life. Fulfillment comes, not by simply achieving our goals, but by our experience of the journey as we move toward them. Whether we accomplish a goal or not, moving with balance will bring us greater fulfillment with each step.


“Gongfu Tea” means making tea with skill. A time honored tradition and practice that requires a certain level of effort, dedication, passion and humility by the person who is pouring the tea. After many years of practice, the tea master cultivates a deep connection to the tea leaves & tea ware. It is from this connection that the greatest gifts of the ritual and ceremony can be exchanged between the person pouring and those receiving.