Moselle™ exists to help women experience more presence, relaxation & ease through engagement with the balancing energy of the Way of Water™.  Moselle™ offers mentorship, nature immersions, tea, wellness services, and retreats based on the Way of Water™.


Slowing Down & Tuning In


Softening and Surrendering


Moving with Fluidity

At Moselle, we are here to support you on a journey that brings more balance, health, and fulfillment in your life.  Through our curated Way Of Water™ offerings, you’re joining the conversation and engaging the experience of the balancing energy of water.

As a society, we are experiencing greater stress everyday.  Stress is often the result of excess “fire energy” in our lives. The Way Of Water™ is about calming those fires, soothing the burns, and regenerating from the ashes of long untended flames.  It is about replenishing ourselves and building up our reserves so we have ample water to live a full life.  Water brings life to all things, and the more aware and intimate we become with its essential nature, the more we can heal, grow and flourish in our lives.  

To learn more about the Way of Water™ explore the Moselle blog.

“Nothing in this world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it.”
– Tao Te Ching

Explore The Way Of Water™


Nature Immersions

Way Of Water™ Wellness


“Gongfu Tea” means making tea with skill. A time honored tradition and practice that requires a certain level of effort, dedication, passion and humility by the person who is pouring the tea. After many years of practice, the tea master cultivates a deep connection to the tea leaves & tea ware. It is from this connection that the greatest gifts of the ritual and ceremony can be exchanged between the person pouring and those receiving.